Mapping Historical Dialogue Project (MHDP): Invitation to Participate


Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University: New York, US

"The Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) at Columbia University (New York) invites you, as an expert in your field, to participate in the development of the Mapping Historical Dialogue Project (MHDP). The MHDP establishes an interactive geographical map that addresses mechanisms of contested memory in (post) conflict countries. The mapping process will document projects addressing the memory of historical violence. The map relies on a crowdsourcing model that enables users to report on work being done in the field. The information gathered here is not only descriptive; it enables all users to more fully understand the impact that the memory of sectarian and national violence has on contemporary politics and to establish the norms and dynamics of the field of historical dialogue. In so doing, the project aims to more fully understand how this knowledge facilitates work towards conflict transformation, reconciliation and peacebuilding, particularly in post-conflict countries. The project is open access, and its scholarship and resources are available to a wide community of users. We welcome users to explore the map and to contribute by providing information about relevant projects. Your specific knowledge and field expertise will be essential to the MHDP. We hope that you will consider contributing your time, energy, and knowledge towards the creation of the MHDP database by identifying and uploading possible entries of memory initiatives, organizations and projects (civil society, academic, artistic…), to help us build this database. We would appreciate it if you could circulate the invitation to participate in the MHD Project to your networks. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact us."



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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